Laser Technology

  • Laser stands for light amplification of stimulated emission of radiation. 
  • It was invented in 1960 by Theodore Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories. 
  • This invention has lead us to many technological applications like optical disk drives, laser cutting, DNA sequencing, weapons, barcode scanners, defense systems, etc. 
  • The fact which differ lasers from other sources of light is because of their coherence.  
  • In 1951, Joseph Weber proposed an idea of using stimulated emission to make microwave amplifier. In 1955, Charles Hard Townes builds the first microwave amplifier which was based on the Joseph’s paper. 
  • This microwave amplifier worked on the same principles of lasers. However the theoretical foundations of lasers were established in 1917 by Albert Einstein via re-derivation of Max Plank’s law of radiations.
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Laser Technology Laser Technology Reviewed by CREATIVE SCIENCES on July 19, 2018 Rating: 5
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