Directions Or The Cardinal Points

The directions or the cardinal points are the directions of  North, South, East and West. These form the four points of the compass. 

There are another four intermediate or sub directions located at the center of two main directions. North-East, South-East, North-West and South-West.

The two additional were skywards and downwards. 

Direction can be determined by the compass or from the position of the sun and the shadows. 

Here's the list

North - उत्तर - Uttar

East - पूर्व - Purva

West - पश्चिम - Pashchim

South - दक्षिण - Dakshin

North-East - ईशान - Ishanya

South-East - अग्नि - Agneya

South-West - नैऋत्य - Nairutya

North-West - वायु - Vayavya

Skywards - ऊर्ध्व - Urdhwa/ Akash

Downwards - अधरस्त - Adharastha/ Patal

As the sun rises in the east and sets in the west,  if you want to walk south in the morning, the sun should be on your left." If it's evening, substitute the stars for the sun.

However, the sun rises in the exact east and sets in the exact west only on 2 days in a year; the spring equinox and the autumn equinox; On these days, the nights are equal in length; dates are around 20 March and 22-23 September.

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Directions Or The Cardinal Points Directions Or The Cardinal Points Reviewed by CREATIVE SCIENCES on July 19, 2018 Rating: 5
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